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王清静 副教授

信息来源: 发布日期: 2023-10-26 浏览次数:




参与、主持多项国家级重大项目(863、973、国家重大专项及国家自然基金)工作,在Microbiome、PLoS Pathog及FASEB J等知名期刊发表20余篇高质量论文,致力于发现新的毒力因子及抗菌药物靶点,为相关疫苗研发及小分子药物设计提供理论依据,为传染性疾病防治提供新的思路。



1. Combatting resistance: Understanding multi-drug resistant pathogens in intensive care units. Biomed Pharmacother. 2023 Nov;167:115564.

Teng J, Imani S, Zhou A, Zhao Y, Du L, Deng S, Li J, Wang Qingjing*.

2. Current research progress on Prevotella intermedia and associated diseases. Microbiological Research. 2023 Nov;已接收

Shuyang Zhang, Yuheng Zhao, Jianying Teng, Jonathan Lalsiamthara, Yan Peng, Shuli Deng, Yongchang Xu, Qingjing Wang*.

3. From Bacteria to Biomedicine: Developing therapies exploiting NAD+ metabolism. Bioorganic Chemistry. 2023 Nov;已接收

Yu Chen, Yuanyuan Ying, Jonathan Lalsiamthara, Saber Imani, Jianying Teng, Qingjing Wang*.

4. Association of polymicrobial interactions with dental caries development and prevention. Front Microbiol. 2023 May 18;14:1162380. IF=6.064.

Yimei Zhu, Ying Wang, Shuyang Zhang, Jiaxuan Li, Xin Li, Yuanyuan Ying, Jinna Yuan, Keda Chen, Shuli Deng, Qingjing Wang*.

5. Protein moonlighting suggests that NrtR is an evolutionary remnant regulator of NAD homeostasis in the zoonotic pathogen Streptococcus suis. FASEB J. 2019 May;33(5):6055-6068. IF=5.595.

Wang Qingjing, Hassan BH, Lou N, Merritt J, Feng Youjun.

6. Expanding landscapes of the diversified mcr-1-bearing plasmid reservoirs. Microbiome. 2017 Jul 6;5(1):70. IF=16.837.

Wang Qingjing, Sun J, Li J, Ding Y, Li XP, Lin J, Hassan B, Feng Youjun.

7. Genomic Insights into mcr-1-Positive Plasmids Carried by Colistin-Resistant Escherichia coli Isolates from Inpatients. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2017 Jun 27;61(7). IF=5.938.

Wang Qingjing, Sun J, Ding Y, Li XP, Liu YH, Feng Youjun.

8. Role of tumor microenvironment in cancer progression and therapeutic strategy. Cancer Med. 2023 Feb 21. IF=4.711

Wang Qingjing, Shao X, Zhang Y, Zhu M, Wang FXC, Mu J, Li J, Yao H, Chen Keda.

9. Complex dissemination of the diversified mcr-1-harbouring plasmids in Escherichia coli of different sequence types. Oncotarget. 2016 Dec 13;7(50):82112-82122. IF=5.312.

Wang Qingjing, Li Z, Lin J, Wang X, Deng X, Feng Youjun.

10. Protective effects of N-acetylcysteine on acetic acid-induced colitis in a porcine model. BMC Gastroenterol. 2013 Aug 30;13:133. IF=2.847.

Wang Qingjing, Hou Y, Yi D, Wang L, Ding B, Chen X, Long M, Liu Y, Wu Guoyao.

11. Deciphering a unique biotin scavenging pathway with redundant genes in the probiotic bacterium Lactococcus lactis. Sci Rep. 2016 May 10;6:25680. IF=4.996.

Zhang H*, Wang Qingjing*, Fisher DJ, Cai M, Chakravartty V, Ye H, Li P, Solbiati JO, Feng Youjun. (*Co-author)

12. Genome sequence and characteristics of plasmid pWH12, a variant of the mcr-1-harbouring plasmid pHNSHP45, from the multi-drug resistant E. coli. Virulence. 2016 Aug 17;7(6):732-5. IF=5.700.

Gao R, Wang Qingjing, Li P, Li Z, Feng Youjun.

13. Immune Enhancement by the Tetra-Peptide Hydrogel as a Promising Adjuvant for an H7N9 Vaccine against Highly Pathogenic H7N9 Virus. Vaccines (Basel). 2022 Jan 17;10(1):130. IF=4.961.

Wu X, Tang S, Wang Z, Ma X, Zhang L, Zhang F, Xiao L, Zhao S, Li Q, Wang Y, Wang Qingjing#, Chen Keda#.

14. Research Progress in Intestinal Microecology in Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment. J Oncol. 2022 Dec 3;2022:6069403. IF=4.501.

Han Z, Zhang H, Lu L, Li X, Zhang C, Zhu J, Li C, Wang Qingjing#, Chen Keda#.

15. Dissemination and Mechanism for the MCR-1 Colistin Resistance. PLoS Pathogens. 2016 Nov 28;12(11):e1005957. IF=7.464.

Gao R, Hu Y, Li Z, Sun J, Wang Qingjing, Lin J, Ye H, Liu F, Srinivas S, Li D, Zhu B, Liu YH, Tian GB, Feng Youjun.

16. Disinfection effect of hexadecyl pyridinium chloride on SARS-CoV-2 in vitro. Intervirology. 2022 Sep 14. doi: 10.1159/000526241. Online ahead of print.

Chen KD, Ma FK, Wang Qingjing, Wang Y, Zhuang XY, Zhang XN, Mao HY, Zhang Yanjun.

17. Virucidal effect of povidone-iodine against SARS-CoV-2 in vitro. J Int Med Res. 2021 Dec;49(12):3000605211063695.

Wang Y, Wu Y, Wang Qingjing, Zhu J, Shi W, Han Z, Zhang Y, Chen Keda.

18. A new glimpse of FadR-DNA crosstalk revealed by deep dissection of the E. coli FadR regulatory protein. Protein & Cell. 2014 Dec;5(12):928-39. IF=4.326.

Zhang Y, Gao R, Ye H, Wang Qingjing, Feng Youjun.

19. Environmental stress perception activates structural remodeling of extant Streptococcus mutans biofilms. NPJ Biofilms Microbiomes. 2020 Mar 27;6(1):17. doi: 10.1038/s41522-020-0128-z. IF=7.29.

Marx P, Sang Y, Qin H, Wang Qingjing, Guo R, Pfeifer C, Kreth J, Merritt Justin.

20. Dietary supplementation with tributyrin alleviates intestinal injury in piglets challenged with intrarectal administration of acetic acid. Br J Nutr. 2014 May 28;111(10):1748-58. IF=4.052.

Hou Y, Wang L, Yi D, Ding B, Chen X, Wang Qingjing, Zhu H, Liu Y, Yin Y, Gong J, Wu Guoyao.

21. 王清静,张会敏,高榕穗,李振翠,张永昌,冯友军.《坚持方见惊喜——评“2014年拉斯克医学奖”》,科学通报 36: 3539-3546. 2014.12.




