董立奇博士已在Chem. Soc. Rev., J. Mater. Chem. A, Anal. Chem.等著名学术刊物发表第一作者论文6篇,参与发表论文10余篇,论文被SCI他引500余次。作为负责人主持一项校级研究生创新基金以及一项浙江树人大学引进人才项目,参与研究项目有国家重点研发计划项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目等
[1] Liqi Dong, Yuanhao Chen, Fei Zhai, Lin Tang, Wenchao Gao, Junwen Tang, Yiyu Feng, Wei Feng*. 2020. Azobenzene-based solar thermal energy storage enhanced by gold nanoparticles for rapid, optically-triggered heat release at room temperature. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8, 18668-18676. (IF = 12.7, SCI一区TOP, BackCover Paper)
[2] Liqi Dong, Yiyu Feng, Ling Wang, Wei Feng*. 2018. Azobenzene-based solar thermal fuels: design, properties, and applications. Chemical Society Reviews 47, 7339-7368. (IF = 54.5, SCI一区TOP, ESI Highly cited paper, BackCover Paper)
[3] Liqi Dong, Xuemin Duan*, Jingkun Xu*, et al. 2017. Chiral PEDOT-Based Enantioselective Electrode Modification Material for Chiral Electrochemical Sensing: Mechanism and Model of Chiral Recognition. Analytical Chemistry 2017, 89, 9695-9702. (IF = 6.9, SCI一区TOP)
[4] Liqi Dong, Xuemin Duan*, Jingkun Xu*, et al. 2016. Synthesis and characterization of chiral PEDOT enantiomers bearing chiral moieties in side chains: chiral recognition and its mechanism using electrochemical sensing technology. RSC Advances 6, 11536-11545. (IF = 3.3)
[5] Liqi Dong, Xuemin Duan*, Jingkun Xu*, et al. 2016. Synthesis and characterization of D-/L-methionine grafted PEDOTs for selective recognition of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine enantiomers. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science 34(5): 563-577. (IF = 3.6)
[6] Liqi Dong, Xuemin Duan*, Jingkun Xu*, et al. 2015. Novel chiral PEDOTs for selective recognition of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine enantiomers: synthesis and characterization. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 53, 2238-2251. (IF = 2.9)
[1] 2021R045,浙江树人大学引进人才科研启动项目,2021.11-2024.12,15万,主持,在研
[2] 51425306,国家自然科学基金杰青项目,2015.09-2019.12,400万,参与,结题
[3] 51633007,国家自然科学基金重点项目,2016.09-2020.12,200万,参与,结题
[4] 51573125,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2016.09-2020.12,65万,参与,结题
[5] 51803149,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2018.09-2021.12,24万,参与,结题