刘树仁,实验师,黑龙江齐齐哈尔人,齐齐哈尔大学分析化学专业硕士。主要研究方向为环境仪器分析和手性物质拆分。已在Journal of Cleaner Production、Environmental Pollution、Science of the Total Environment、环境科学等学术刊物参与发表论文20余篇。参与国家自然科学基金面上项目1项。
[1] 陆嘉玮,徐晨烨*,胡纯,刘树仁,李方. 微塑料及金属在黄浦江地表水环境的赋存特征及与金属抗性基因的相关性分析,环境科学.2022, 10.13227/j.hjkx.202206267.
[2]Yihan Dong, Shanshan Yin, Jianyun Zhang, Fangjie Guo, Muhammad Aamir,Shuren Liu, Kecheng Liu, Weiping Liu. Exposure patterns, chemical structural signatures, and health risks of pesticides in breast milk: A multicenter study in China, Science of The Total Environment, 2022,830: 154617
[5]Chunjie Gu, Chenye Xu, Quan Zhou, Chensi Shen, Chunyan Ma, Shuren Liu, Shanshan Yin, Fang Li.Congener- and isomer-specific Perfluorinated compounds in textile wastewater from Southeast China, Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021, 320:128897
[6]Shuduan Mao, Shuren Liu, Weiping Liu*, et al.The occurrence and sources of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in agricultural soils across China with an emphasis on unintentionally produced PCBs, Environmental Pollution.2021, 271, 116171.
[7]Xinmeng Lin, Chenye Xu, Yuting Zhou, Shuren Liu, Weiping Liu*.A new perspective on volatile halogenated hydrocarbons in Chinese agricultural soils, Science of the Total Environment. 2020, 703, 134646.
[9]李英杰,刘树仁,高立娣*,等. MAH-β-CD 的合成及其在毛细管电泳手性拆分中的应用, 分析试验室. 2016, 11(09):1109-1011.
[1] 典型对羟基苯甲酸酯通过干扰下丘脑-垂体-性腺轴诱导性成熟的作用机制,国家自然科学基金,面上项目,在研,参与
[2] 能源产品中物质成分分析,横向课题,在研,主持
[3] 色谱耗材中可降解高分子化合物的检测研究,横向课题,在研,参与