尹杉杉博士已在Environ Int.、EnvironPollut、Environ Res等学术刊物发表第一作者或共同第一作者论文10余篇,参与发表论文40余篇,并担任Environ Int、EnvironPollut、Environ Res、Environ Sci Technol等多个杂志审稿人。
[1] Guo, F., Yin, S.*, Wang, H., Zhang, J., Liu, Y., Aamir, M., Liu, W., 2021. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the colostrum samples from the Yangtze River Region: Exposure profile and risk assessment. Environmental Pollution 285, 117253.
[2] Aamir, M.#, Yin, S.#, Liu, Y., Ullah, H., Khan, S., Liu, W., 2021. Dietary exposure and cancer risk assessment of the Pakistani population exposed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Science of the Total Environment 757, 143828.
[3] Zhang, J.#, Li, C.#, Yin, S.#, Wang, Y., Zhou, Y., Wang, S., Xu, X., Liu, W., Xu, L., 2021. Environmental exposure to organochlorine pesticides and its association with the risk of hearing loss in the Chinese adult population: A case-control study. Science of the Total Environment 767, 145153.
[4] Yin, S., Zhang, J., Guo, F., Poma, G., Covaci, A., Liu, W., 2020. Transplacental transfer mechanism of organochlorine pesticides: An in vitro transcellular transport study. Environment International 135, 105402.
[5] Yin, S., Been, F., Liu, W., Covaci, A., 2019. Hair as an alternative matrix to monitor human exposure to plasticizers - Development of a liquid chromatography - tandem mass spectrometry method. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci 1104, 94-101.
[6] Yin, S., Guo, F., Aamir, M., Liu, Y., Tang, M., Liu, W., 2019. Multicenter biomonitoring of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in colostrum from China: Body burden profile and risk assessment. Environmental Research 179, 108828.
[7] Yin, S., Tang, M., Chen, F., Li, T., Liu, W., 2017. Environmental exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs): The correlation with and impact on reproductive hormones in umbilical cord serum. Environmental Pollution 220, 1429-1437.
[8] Yin, S., Zhang, J., Guo, F., Zhao, L., Poma, G., Covaci, A., Liu, W., 2019. Transplacental transfer of organochlorine pesticides: Concentration ratio and chiral properties. Environment International 130, 104939.
[9] Poma, G., Yin, S., Tang, B., Fujii, Y., Cuykx, M., Covaci, A., 2019. Occurrence of Selected Organic Contaminants in Edible Insects and Assessment of Their Chemical Safety. Environ Health Perspect 127, 127009.
[10] Xu, C.#, Yin, S.#, Tang, M., Liu, K., Yang, F., Liu, W., 2017. Environmental exposure to DDT and its metabolites in cord serum: Distribution, enantiomeric patterns, and effects on infant birth outcomes. Science of the Total Environment 580, 491-498.
[11] Yin, S, Ren, W., Sun, J., Zhang, Y., Li, M., Deng, K., 2016. Hollow CDHA nanorods with mesopores on surface: Bi-micelle-templating method, dissolvability, cytocompatibility and protein delivery. Advanced Powder Technology 27, 199-206.
[12] Yin, S., Sun, J., Liu, B., Zhang, Z., 2015. Magnetic material grafted cross-linked imidazolium based polyionic liquids: an efficient acid catalyst for the synthesis of promising liquid fuel 5-ethoxymethylfurfural from carbohydrates. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 3, 4992-4999.
[1] 全氟及多氟烷基类化合物跨胎盘转运的结构多样性(2020M671725),中国博士后科学基金会面上基金二等,2019.03-2021.03,8万,主持、结题;
[2] 含氟持久性有机污染物母婴传递的结构多样性(2021XZ017),浙江树人大学浙江树人大学基本科研业务费专项重大科技创新(团队)项目,2021.01-2022.12,30万,主持、在研;
[3] 多氯联苯跨胎盘运输的结构多样机制(2021R001),浙江树人大学引进人才科研启动项目,2021.05-2024.04,10万,主持、在研;
[4] Silicone Wristbands as personal Exposure monitor to Predict the internal exposure to emerging contaminants (SWEEP),比利时弗莱芒大区科学基金会初等博后人才项目,2022.1-2024.12,20万欧元,主持,获资助。
l 2021年 第四届中白青年学者论坛,杭州,中国,分论坛报告、主论坛总结发言(工作语言:英语)
l 2021年 第六届国际环境污染与健康会议,广州,中国,分论坛报告。
l 2021年 第十六届POPs论坛,西宁,中国,分论坛报告。
l 2021年 第七届全国生态毒理学大会,桂林,中国,分会场报告。
l 2019年 长三角博士后环境、能源及健康论坛,合肥,中国,受邀请分会场口头报告。
l 2019年 第39届国际持久性卤代污染物论坛(二噁英大会),京都,日本,发表2个分会场口头报告,参与4个墙报报告(工作语言:英语)。
l 2019年 第十届全国环境化学大会,天津,中国,墙报报告。
l 2018年 第38届国际持久性卤代污染物论坛(二噁英大会),克拉科夫,波兰,发表分会场口头报告,并参与2个墙报报告(工作语言:英语)。
l 2017年 第九届全国环境化学大会,杭州,中国,墙报报告,获JES最佳墙报奖。
l 2017年 第三届国际环境污染与健康会议,广州,中国,分会场口头报告,获最佳口头报告奖(工作语言:英语)。